Sunday, April 25, 2010

i just made looklet! ~ ayuhp

Friday, April 02, 2010

springgggg break

hmmm well i just made

for like the whole week, i've been going to malls, meeting friends. fun, yet tiring. what have i been doing specifically?

  • moday: jasperjenn's bday - first day to meet hiiim! happy :)
  • tuesday: jesse's - planning to meet him, but nevermind :p
  • wednesday: ias' hair extension day lol - met him! :D
  • thursday: sency, sorta rhesa's bday but we ddnt do anything special - met him like happiest day probably :]
  • friday [today]: went to bellnov with mom and sister, tiring - communicated with him, but now we're not ):
  • saturday: plans to do english -_- need to work on it ASAP! - hopes everything would work out and continue the communication between me and him
  • sunday: rest, finishing english, fb plurk blogger formspring
awesome week, eh? awesome, but tiring though -_- oh well its okay to be tired once in a while :p more details on spring break, click here and here

and btw, i'm working things out with him HORRAY!! :]