okay.. so the world of plurk have entertained my holiday.. like in my previous post, the united plurk republican, was made because of plurk.. now, plurk have entertained my holiday because of one topic.. that topic is *her*.. we have been talking, mocking, and doing many other mean things towards this *her*.. actually *her* is about a different person, but the *her* of today is the second generation.. hmm i will call her *her II* hahaah lol :D
okay that is it for this post.. i would just make this short post because i should really continue my lab report.. if you want to see how fun i have had, just go to my plurk page, ayu hapsari prabanto.. :)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
plurk oh plurk
Posted by ayu hapsari prabanto at 22:37 0 comments
i found a holiday activity (y)
above are the list of names of people that have made my holiday less boring.. so, our holiday activity iiiiiiiiis, BEING MEAN! :O ada banyak orang yang kita jahatin, tapi lagi fokusin ke satu orang and our nickname for her is SKSD! :O hahaha jahat banget siih.. due to zsazsa going to new zealand, she has not been updated to SKSD's recent activities or our activities towards it.. so when we come back to school, each member of this society shall be updated with recent activities.. MUAHAHAHA! *evils smirks*
Posted by ayu hapsari prabanto at 15:31 0 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
ah poop -_-
aduuh post gw yg dibawah ini eek bgt niih.. pada ngga bener pake error2 segala -_- masalahnya sama kayak post yg ultahnya randy.. aduuh kenapa posts yg gw mau banget share ke org lain error? -_- poop crap shit -_- dan postnya tuh lebih panjang lagi sebenernyaaaa tpi krn error jadi perlu dikurangin.. nyaahhh sebel sebeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel this makes me even more want to SCREAM TILL I LOOSE MY VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOICE! >:O
Posted by ayu hapsari prabanto at 01:07 0 comments
Thursday, September 24, 2009
holidayy :O
there is a purpose of the emoticon i put next to the title is because this holiday is shocking! i thought it was going to be a great holiday, yet, its again, BORING -_- tapii there's a good side, i get to spend time with my lovely cousiins :) jadii gw nginep dirumahnya fikhashelia dari hari jumat minggu lalu sampe kemareen beh gw udh lama bgt ngga nginep dirumah merekaaa hahaha :D lebaran asiiiiiiiiik.. ngumpul2 sama keluarga.. tapi dibanding sama lebaran2 sebelomnya, this was the least fun karna jakarta PANAS GILA dan agak boring we didn't do much -_- tapi masih asik deh krn bisa ngumpul sama keluargaa :) niih ada foto bersamaaa
setelah lebaran gw masih nginep kan dirumah fikhashelia, dan kita ber silahturahmi kerumah orangorang.. trs kita kerumah temennya bokapnya fikhaa.. disana BEH ASIK PARAHH.. kita makan satu kiloan yang gokilz*ea gaholz hahaa* abis itu kita berkarokean sambil jogedjoged menurunkan kalori hahah :D niihh ada fotofotonyaa
setelah lebaraaaaaaaan i ddnt do much.. tpi kmrn gw sama anak2 lain yg tidak berkelana ke negri lain jalan bareeng! they aare: ayu hapsari prabanto, ariane benina budiMan, jerome gibran de belen, abigail limuria, natasha alessandra kesuma and darren hadidjaja~ ke ps/sency hehe asik looh :O here are the pics!

CHRISTINA SALENDU ERWIN dan ARIANE BENINA BUDIWAN.. i miss them like hell meeeeeen gilagilaa.. gw kangen sama mereka karna gw lagi jaman2nya curhat sama merekaaa.. i tell them about it gituu and they're always there for me BEH mereka baik bgt deh :) jadiiiii hmm kita bikin nick name dulu dehh.. apa yaa? buat it peci aja deh *okay that was random bgt* dan buat si it yg satu lagii hmmmmm kuntet HAHAHAHA! jadii si peci jadi deket sama kuntet huaaaaaaaaaaa D': mereka jadi bertemanan dekat dan sering chatting gituuu.. mungkin gw lebai ya, i mean gw tau gw lebai, tapi gw panik! krn dengan chatting, gw sama peci bisa begini begitu dan gw takut nnti ke kuntet gitu juga huaaa.. misyanne said not to worry, it won't happen.. they didn't exactly say it that way, they say that peci is poop ass hole jerk and all bad things deh hahaa.. wktu itu gw smsan sama misya ngomongin ini, trs dia bilang:
misya: EH PECI lo tuh bajingan apa cewek sih? ga ada bola ya lo?
peci: huh?
misya: jangan sok lugu deh lo. gw tahu lo itu emg g ada jantan2nya tapi lo tuh buta ya? pas *sensored sorry not for public* tuh lo lagi sadar ga sih? buka dong mata lo lo tuh cowo paling g jantan dan paling rese. gw g ngerti sama cara lo yang *sensored again sorry hehe terlalu publik disini* bisa gila2an tapi ga ada aksinya. gw mau muntah ngliat lo. mending dripada lo buang waktu tmen gw, lo diem aja dan ambil kata2homo lo itu semua anjing. ato sama kuntet aja situ saking lo lbih sneng ama dia.
*ps: those are the exact words she said in her text hahaa.. expect fot the sensored parts and names :D*
gw pas ngeliat sms ini, mata gw berair, NGGA BOONG.. ada dua alasan. alasan pertama: the fact that misya would stick out for me like that, she is THE BEST FRIEND ANYONE CAN EVER HAVVE! love you misyaa!
ARIANE BENINA BUDIMAN I LOVE YOU TOO! si peghibur gilaa :p kalo gw curhat sama dia, she would say: ah si memek mah kayak gigolo dasar gay~ that is hilarious.. probably not to you people but in my world and me lovely fellow 9th grade of SPH Sentul City classmates, it would be an insult and also a joke (y)
ZSAZSA ONLIIIIIINE KITA GOSSIP LAGI NYAMPAH LAGI CURHATCURHATAN LAGI NGOMONGIN ORANG LAGII! <3>oleholehnya manaaa :p hehee :D those are the things that i would say when this gaholz girl is back from her new zealand expedition.. terlalu gaholz diaa ke nz -_- dia itu si positive girl.. dia ngomongnya ngga pake bad words, she would say, aduuh kok dia gitu sih yu? probably he doesn't mean it that way, dan dia itu sama lo yu bukan yang lain.. don't worry :) tuh kan no harsh words mentioned hahaha :D
hm hm hmm gw mau ngomong apa lagi yaaa? oh iya hari ini WENDY ULANG TAHUUUN! :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY WENDYY! traktirtraktir yee :p heheh you know me lah ;) hmm apa lagi yuaaa? okay i'm thinkiing, i'm thinkiing.. kyknya that's it dehh.. gw akan memberi link blog gw ke bnyk org, and three of them are: CHRISTINA SALENDU ERWIN ARIANE BENINA BUDIWAN ZSAZSA DANIELLA
wokeh deh that's it for this post.. my oh my ini panjang sekalii -_- dibanding sama yg lain i think this is the longesttttt.. oh iya i found this cute blogger template robot loohh hahaha.. tpi i have trouble applying it here -_- gw juga lagi ngga fokus sooo ya pasrah lahh~ oke deh see you till the next post viewers! :)
Posted by ayu hapsari prabanto at 22:27 0 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
first of all i would like to say, OH MY post gw ttg ultah randy kenapaaa D: gw udh brp kali ngeedit tetep aja gitu -_- HOW NIIH.. tapi ya'll can read it right riiight? sorry kalo ngga jelas hehehe :D WOW WOW WOW so september is just your average september.. nothing big.. cuman skolah ajha yg assignmentsnya bikin mau bunuh diri -_- skrg skolah gw libur lagii! krn bentar lagi lebaran.. omg LEBARAN SEBENTAAAAAR LAGI! :O ngga kerasa abeess.. nnti lebarannya dirumah sheliaaa jadi gw besok cabuts kerumahnya nginep horehoree! :) tapi skrg kan ngga ada kerjaan.. jadii sepertinya, liburan ini sama seperti july break.. YOUTUBE-INGG! :D oh iya btw, gw masuk student council 2009/2010! :) kmrn hari rabu ada upacara pelantikannn oh my happy gw heheh :D hmm apa lagi yaa? kyknya sih udh.. tumben nih gw ngga ada bnyk cerita karna lgi biasa biasa sajaa.. nnti deh kalo ada updates lgi, i would update ASAP! :) wokeh deh see ya'll later viewerss!
Posted by ayu hapsari prabanto at 19:12 0 comments
Saturday, September 05, 2009
2 September 2009
more pics go to:
Posted by ayu hapsari prabanto at 21:44 0 comments